
The most basic example, a plain window with no content (not really useful though):

using module ".\ImPS.psm1"

[ImPS]::new().add_window("ImPS Window", 285, 75).show()

A slightly more useful example, a window with a label:

using module ".\ImPS.psm1"

$ImPS = [ImPS]::new()
$window = $ImPS.add_window("ImPS Window", 285, 75)
$window.Elements.add_Label("This is almost like ImGUI", 20,20)

This example creates a window with a button that generates a new GUID and displays it in a text box:

using module ".\ImPS.psm1"

$ImPS = [ImPS]::new()
$window = $ImPS.add_window("GUID Generator", 260, 90)

$tbx = $window.Elements.add_TextBox("", 20, 20)
$tbx.Drawable.width = 220

$btn = $window.Elements.add_Button("Generate UUID", 19, 45)
$btn.Drawable.width = 222
    $tbx.Drawable.Text = [guid]::newGuid()
